Friday, February 10, 2006


i know it has been long well i was stuck up at work all of my time ,
well i hope many of you techies there might have spent an afternoon @ kairali (atleast the kearalites for sure) for all you souls ou tthere trying to get a grab of good fish , search no more drop in at kairali for lunch and get a fish fry , the fish tastes good but it is of more sort of a small restaurent , we go to the one that is on the madiwala koramangala road near to the diversion that you would normally take to go to BTM (guys out there it is closer than you think) Well a note to everybody you would only get chamba rice that is brown rice for lunch , else you can try the briyani there , i cannot vouch for that i can but for the fish(es)

happy fishing ....


At 10:57 AM, Blogger t said...

Kai Hal He Praji, you're a fellow Taurus Rooster, so check out my blogs :)
No, I don't really speak Hindi, just know a few words.


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